The SEnSOR programme is investigating sustainability of the palm oil sector in three main areas: Biodiversity, Environment (including soil, water and greenhouse gases) and Society (including community and labour rights, and livelihoods). The programme is facilitated by the South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP) and funded by the RSPO. Wageningen University, Van Hall Larenstein and the different Indonesian NGOs and universities investigate which factors can explain the likeliness of smallholders to being certified. Past research focused on identification of constraints, costs and benefits to certification, and motives of smallholders to expand or intensify, all in Indonesia. Current research focuses on heterogeneity among independent oil palm smallholders in Central Kalimantan. We examine pre and post certification conditions of different types of independent oil palm smallholders in relation to their socio-economic background, plantation management and yield, and ecosystems services in and around smallholders’ plantations, to understand how this shapes their prospects for sustainability certification. By obtaining a better understanding of what characteristics enable certification, and which groups are likely to be left behind, we can better understand the impact that RSPO is having on improving livelihoods and sustainable production for smallholders, and identify what can be done to improve engagement with those groups who are not currently likely to undergo certification. Project output:
Contact persons: Rosa de Vos and Maja Slingerland |
Oil palm