Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook Module 5: Pests and Diseases
The smallholder handbooks outline good agronomic management practices for oil palm smallholders, with a focus on Indonesia. The handbooks are written in English and cover five topics in five modules: planting material, harvesting, plantation maintenance, fertilisers, and pests & diseases. The handbooks also provide background information, for example on basic oil palm genetics and plant nutrition. The handbook is freely available online in PDF form.
Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook Module 4: Fertiliser Application
The smallholder handbooks outline good agronomic management practices for oil palm smallholders, with a focus on Indonesia. The handbooks are written in English and cover five topics in five modules: planting material, harvesting, plantation maintenance, fertilisers, and pests & diseases. The handbooks also provide background information, for example on basic oil palm genetics and plant nutrition. The handbook is freely available online in PDF form.
Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook Module 3: Plantation Maintenance
The smallholder handbooks outline good agronomic management practices for oil palm smallholders, with a focus on Indonesia. The handbooks are written in English and cover five topics in five modules: planting material, harvesting, plantation maintenance, fertilisers, and pests & diseases. The handbooks also provide background information, for example on basic oil palm genetics and plant nutrition. The handbook is freely available online in PDF form.
Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook Module 2: Harvesting, Grading, Transport
The smallholder handbooks outline good agronomic management practices for oil palm smallholders, with a focus on Indonesia. The handbooks are written in English and cover five topics in five modules: planting material, harvesting, plantation maintenance, fertilisers, and pests & diseases. The handbooks also provide background information, for example on basic oil palm genetics and plant nutrition. The handbook is freely available online in PDF form.