I am a Dutch plant scientist with an interest in tropical perennial crops. My research work focuses on sustainable intensification of perennial cropping systems. I am interested in the physiological aspects of plant production (such as the effects of potassium deficiency on stomatal functioning) but also in the social aspects (such as the adoption of technologies by farmers) and in everything in between. I did two MSc’s (on Plant Biotechnology and Plant Sciences) in Wageningen, and I wrote my PhD about yield gaps and sustainable intensification options in smallholder oil palm plantations in Indonesia.
Bornsesteeg 48
Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
Plant Production Systems
Postdoc scientist: Cocoa and oil palm nutrition and management
Role project(s)
First of all I eat the chocolate and the bananas and I drink the coffee. In addition I do research on nutrient flows in cocoa (for the CocoaSoils project) and on rehabilitation and renovation in oil palm and cocoa. I am one of the supervisors of Deo-Gratias Hougni, and I supervise MSc students from Wageningen who work on cocoa and oil palm. I am also responsible for the content of this website, so please don't hesitate to approach me for questions or comments
Cocoa, oil palm