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KNAW funded two projects to support partnership between the Netherlands and Indonesia. ANGIN I was a partnership between Leiden University, Wageningen University and several activist NGOs that investigated oil palm related conflicts. PPS proposed intercropping as a means to mediate between oil palm companies that favor oil palm expansion and smallholders that aim to preserve their livelihood options. ANGIN II is a partnership between Wageningen university and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia with the title: “Identifying small wins towards transformational change of the Indonesian palm oil sector”. The aim is to investigate how Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil certification (ISPO) can be made more attractive/better fit to oil palm smallholders and how ISPO can be better positioned within the debate on sustainable palm oil in international trade (RED+) especially between Indonesia and the European Union. PPS will participate in workshops with IPB and Indonesian policy makers on using the small wins framework to investigate whether intercropping and jurisdictional approach can contribute to increase acceptability of ISPO as a means to deal with wicked problems. Two scientific papers are foreseen. |